JUST ANNOUNCED: 2025 Silicon Alley Golf & Pickleball Invitational / May 5, 2025 / Reserve Your Spot Now

Darren Herman | Founder | @dherman76 | LinkedIn
In his spare time, Darren Herman runs Silicon Alley Sports.  As for his main job, he's an Operating Partner at Bain Capital and investor around Silicon Alley.  Herman is definitely not the best golfer at SAGI but probably has the most excitement for the love of the game.

Rebecca Friedberg | Operations | LinkedIn
Rebecca has been a mainstay at Silicon Alley Sports events. She’s usually the smiling face that checks all participants in upon arrival at the Silicon Alley Golf Invitational. As for her day-to-day, she’s a Senior Analyst of Learning & Development at Mastercard.

During the 2017 - 2018 season, we introduced a formal advisory board consisting of the following active participants of Silicon Alley Sports:

We are always looking for smart, driven, and helpful folks to further the Silicon Alley Sports mission. If you are interested in talking about joining our formal Advisory Board or want to help in any way, please reach out.

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